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Friday, October 18, 2013

Excelsior Christkindlsmarkt German Christmas Festival on Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving Weekend Christmas Extravaganza -- Enchanting Holiday Experience

The Excelsior Christkindlsmarkt is hosting their 8th annual Festival.
Where: A new location this year; in the East Municipal Lot behind Excelsior Brewery.
When: Thanksgiving weekend beginning Friday,Nov. 29th, 30th,& Dec.1st.
Hours: Friday 10:00am to 7:00 pm beer garden and music continues till 10pm
Saturday 10:00am to 7:00pm beer garden and music continues till 10pm
Sunday 11:00am to 4:00pm

We begin at 10:00a.m. Friday November 29th, with the
Christkindlsmarkt Parade down Water Street.
The parade is led by our Christmas Angel Ellen Hunt, Santa Claus,
the Royals of Spielmannszug, the Minnetonka High School Choir,
Excelsior Town crier Darel Liepold, Mayors of local towns,
plus Santa's Elves, Knight Family Farms Horse & Buggy, plus other dignitaries and Excelsiorites.
The Market officially is open as Santa and the Christmas Angel cut the ribbon,
featuring gifts ranging from modern to vintage to traditional German.

Throughout the three days we have a full schedule of local musical talents
including demonstrations.
We have a new addition; "Kinder World" with puppet show, jugglers, local authors reading traditional Christmas stories.
The Boy Scouts will be selling their traditional wreaths and swags.
The Northpole Trolley has Santa Claus on board operating all hours of the Market.
Saturday Santa's live Reindeer arrive on Saturday
and we have the favorite Alpacas who talk to you.

The Festival has continued as the original open air market featuring
German Christmas Food traditions including Grilled Sausage, Roasted almonds, Sweet & Savory Strudels,
Kindercocoa, Gluhwein 'hot mulled wine', gingerbread, cakes and cupcakes, candies,
hot cider, and other delicacies.

Friday evening at 5:30pm make way for the Children's Lighted Lantern Parade
on Water Street
all children are invited and welcome.
Santa, the Christmas Angel, and other dignataries will join us.

Saturday We have Breakfast with Santa at the Masonic Hall situated next
to the Christkindls site from 7-10:30
the market officially opens at 10:00 am
many entertainers are scheduled including The Chaska Community Choir.

Sunday the Market opens at 11:00 am
The Arbor Bells group, will be first on the music schedule come and enjoy.
3:00pm the festival will close with The Sound's of Praise Children's Choir
from the Woodale Church.

For more information about the Christkindlsmarkt please contact
Myrle Mackenzie 952-292-8898, Rick Meyer 612-750-6917
or visit

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