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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Excelsior Flea Market Open Every Saturday through August and in September on 9/23.

Excelsior Flea Market in downtown Excelsior Minnesota

Back 2017 our 17th year; June, July, August,Saturdays 9am to 3pm . 
Back for Apple Day Sat. Sept 23, 2017  8am to 6pm. 
Location: 10 Water St, Excelsior, MN 55331, across from Lake Minnetonka and Dunn Bros coffee shop in downtown Excelsior. 

The Excelsior Finer Flea Market is open to all vendors on a first come-first basis with set-up starting at 7:00a.m. please be set up by 8:30 for Fire Dept. inspection. 
Rate is $20 for each 12x12 booth , Apple Day (9/23/17)  is $35.00 

vendors with questions call Kim 952-412-6960
other questions call Myrle 952-292-8898 or message us through our facebook link
Sponsored by Excelsior Christkindlsmarkt held on Thanksgiving Weekend. 



Fossils and petrified wood.

Silly Sudz Soaps at Excelsior Flea Market 6/24/17

Tools, rusty fun things, and lots more

Available from The Fairy Doors booth

Wolf Creek Log Furniture

Usborne Books & More

Earth, Wick & Fire was here on 6/17/17 and will be here 7/1/17

Excelsior Flea Market open every Saturday through August and on 9/23/17
Available from the Fairy Doors booth

Friday, June 23, 2017

Excelsior Flea Market open tomorrow

Excelsior Flea Market will be open tomorrow, Sat 6/24/17 9-3 .  Located at 10 Water St, Excelsior, MN 55331.  Vendors welcome..please send a message for guidelines at our facebbok page:

Available Parking
Free parking is available to the public behind the buildings on both the east and west sides of the 200 block of Water Street. In both of these municipal lots, there are areas for six-hour parking (striped with yellow paint) and three-hour parking (striped with white paint) between the hours of 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Memorial Day to Labor Day. Outside of those times, there is a 12-hour restriction in the six-hour areas. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Excelsior Flea Market open Saturdays through August

Come and join the fun every Saturday through August 2017  and on Apple Day, 9/23/ the Excelsior Flea Market. Open 9-3 Saturday's. Located at 10 Water Street, Excelsior, MN 55331. Vendors welcome.